  • 🌿🎉23年提摩西草干草,让兔子、荷兰猪、龙猫欢天喜地!草主粮的奢华盛宴,草头茬叶多,草段烘干北提!别再纠结,入手草本精华,让你的宠物感受草地的味道!🐇🌱🌾 草本极致:提摩西时光,23年独特韵味,北提烘干工艺,保留草本香气。🐹 荷兰猪专享:草头茬叶多,口感极佳,营养丰富,细心呵护你的荷兰猪宝宝。🐭 龙猫同欢:龙猫心动不如行动,精选龙猫专用,口感鲜美,让你的小可爱爱不释口。🌱 草主粮新时代:打破传统,提升宠物饮食新高度,让宠物享受草本狂欢!尽情分享,让你的宠物也成为草本时尚达人!🌈✨#提摩西草 #荷兰猪美食 #龙猫草本 #草主粮时代 #宠物饮食新潮流
    • 16.8元
    • 满15元减2元
  • 🎉草迷们注意啦!穗兔子、龙猫、荷兰猪等宠物福利来啦!独家推荐的烘干提摩西草,含有天然穗子,不仅是宠物的美味小食,更是天然磨牙利器哦!每一口都是满满的幸福~🐰🌱这款北提草段,质量有保证,不仅口感一级棒,还能保持天然原色,绝对是宠物们的最爱!而且独特的包邮政策,就是要让你们轻松享受这份草中的幸福,不容错过!📦🚚别再等了,快给你的小可爱们准备一份草中瑰宝吧!🌿💖
    • 28元
    • 满15元减2元
  • 🌿🐰🦙 Dive into the lush world of 5斤装提摩西草兔子豚鼠龙猫荷兰猪土拨鼠窝牧草垫窝草羊驼草! 🚀 Imagine your adorable pets living in a paradise of Timothee hay, surrounded by the finest Dutch piggy condos and cozy dragon cat corners. 🏡✨ It's not just a pet space; it's a botanical haven! 🌱💖Treat your fur babies to the ultimate luxury, where every nibble is a taste of the extraordinary. From fluffy rabbits to majestic chinchillas, they'll be basking in the lap of verdant luxury! 🐇🌈But wait, there's more! The exclusive hay mattresses and guinea pig hammocks will make your little ones feel like royalty. It's not just bedding; it's a statement! 👑💤Join the trendsetters who are transforming their pet havens into botanical wonderlands. Because when it comes to pampering your pets, why settle for anything less than extraordinary? 🌿🐹💕#BotanicalPetParadise #LuxuryPetLiving #FurBabyHaven #GreenOasisForPets #PamperedPetLife
    • 26.1元
    • 满15元减2元